One Mystical Body of Christ – Yet Still Wounded

I am still amazed at the frequency at which I see some Protestant ministers privately preaching against the Catholic Church to their congregations. It amazes me for the following reasons:

  1. Catholic priests don’t preach against Protestant denominations. Though willfully separated, they are considered fellow Christians, dignified by baptism.
  2. All Sacred Scripture and most Protestant faith traditions came down to Protestants from the Catholic Church which was founded by Christ on St. Peter, the first Pope.

We need to strive to learn and accept that there is and can only be one Church of Christ, the entire Body of which subsists in the Catholic Church, against which Christ promised the gates of Hell would not prevail (the “gates” being, among other things, the proud spirits of rivalry, division, schism, and in some cases, even hatred).

34 responses to “One Mystical Body of Christ – Yet Still Wounded

  1. Good post. I do not think it will ever end. I keep praying for it to end, but as long as there are those in the Churches who think, “They have it all figured out for themselves and the rest of us,” I believe this “split” will always be.

    I often wonder how much that breaks the heart of God? All the finger pointing, name calling, and sending to hell?

    I never knew what hate was Francis, as a Christian, until I became a Catholic and received it from other “Christians” from different denominations. God Bless, SR

  2. I meant to tell you, for some reason you are not showing up in my reader. So will be doing some catching up today. God Bless, SR

    • I noticed that you have re-followed me several times. But I’m always pleased to see you return to my followers list 🙂

  3. Remember that Catholic theology stands on its own. Every precept of Protestant theology is a protest of Catholicism; without the protest, there is a lack of identity, it acts more or less as a life force.

    • Absolutely…most Protestants have no idea why they are Protestants. They just know the rubrics and patterns of the prayer services into which they were introduced as children. I don’t hold them culpable – except for the preachers who, having access to knowledge, refuse knowledge for vicious reasons.

    • Regardless, if validly baptized, they also belong to the Church of Christ which subsists in the Catholic Church.

    • Hey Philip and Francis,

      I have a question for you. “Every precept of Protestant theology is a protest of Catholicism.”

      Which I agree with to their way of thinking. But….

      Yet, they receive Holy Communion of course with a different belief, outside of a branch of the Lutheran Church.

      They believe in “confessing” their sins to one another, just not to a priest.

      They believe that salvation comes from the Cross, but do not believe one has to do any sort of work or any of the Sacraments to maintain said salvation. Their belief in Jesus is enough.

      Lutherans also have their own Rosary which they pray.

      I can list a lot more, but my question is this.

      Though they enter into these things with a different doctrine, were these things originally not given to them by the Catholic Church?

      If so, then how can they claim to “protest” Catholicism, when the very basis for what they do/believe came from the very Church they are protesting against. Just wondering. Thanks for the answer. God Bless, SR

      • Good question. What Luther did was sort of like a worker on a an automobile production line (Luther) who leaves the plant (Church) because of one bad supervisor (an Archbishop in Germany), steals the automobile design and plant layout, builds a new plant and begins building automobiles after drastically changing the design in a way that it eliminates the need for the supervisor (including all priests)…because he hated the supervisor.

      • It’s interesting when I walk in a MS Lutheran service, it almost is identical to a Mass, with admittedly better music. The key is Theology here not liturgy and not practice. They receive Holy Communion but the Pastor is not “In persona Christi.” They receive communion but the presider is not in an unbroken succession to the Apostles–because that doesn’t matter to them. Again, no confession to a priest because the priest is not In persona Christi. They may have a rosary practice adopted from Catholicism but no developed mariology–after all to them prayers to the dead are an abomination.

        All practices carry the weight of all their Solas and all the Solas are a protest to the Church’s stance on revelation through both Sacred Tradition and Scripture.

        If that makes sense ?

        • Hey Philip,

          Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. The only thing I am having trouble with in your answer is how the word “Solas” is being applied here. Are you meaning something such as their own understanding/enlightenment? Teachings/doctrine/beliefs? I am having trouble tying that one in.

          Also I have another question for either one of you. Since Martin Luther was a priest/monk, when he left the Church and gave Holy Communion would he still of been considered an “unbroken succession to the Apostles,” even if he were no longer Catholic? He did take with him the belief that Christ is in the Bread and Wine.

          If once one is ordained a Priest and they leave the Church, are they still considered in this line of succession, if they indeed still practice the faith of transubstantiation in the Eucharist? Does God still honor this offering as He does in the Catholic Church, meaning, will transubstantiation still take place even though the Priest is no longer Catholic? Thank you guys so much for your help. God Bless, SR

          • They do not consider ordination to be sacramental and my understanding is that Luther removed aspects of the Sacrifice from his liturgies. They believe that Christ is present in their “Lord’s Supper” with the bread and wine, but that the species do not change. So, no unbroken line of succession and no actual Sacramental Eucharist.

            • Thanks so much Francis for your help. It always seems on your post one question and answer always leads to another with me! 🙂 One thing for sure, I can always depend on a wonderful answer and one I can understand. God Bless, SR

            • Francis Philip

              That’s wonderful dear SR 🙂

            • True, the idea is tied to the priesthood of all common believers. The irony is one that Bl. John Henry Newman discusses in his conversion to the Catholic faith. Even if they hold to the priesthood of all common believers, why do they still have seminaries where they teach their pastors? You’d be hardpressed to see any pastors allow a random member of the congregation to give a sermon during the Divine Worship too

            • True, the idea is tied to the priesthood of all common believers. The irony is one that Bl. John Henry Newman discusses in his conversion to the Catholic faith. Even if they hold to the priesthood of all common believers, why do they still have seminaries where they teach their pastors? You’d be hardpressed to see any pastors allow a random member of the congregation to give a sermon during the Divine Worship too.

    • Francis Philip

      Go back and find in history how the name “Protestant” was coined.

    • Francis Philip

      Also, it would not be just, in theology, to state that “Every precept of Protestant theology is a protest…” Why? Because that is not a true or even supportable statement. Some precepts, but not all, and it varies from group to group.

      • The etymology is the same as Protest, which is Latin in origin. “For” “testimony” The basic idea is still a relation to “speak against.”

        Interesting, that you appear to originally agree with statement long ago. I think one could argue that every precept of their theology is a protest to the degree that if any precept agrees with Catholic understanding of theology is because it is distinctly Catholic in origin or at the very least Apostolic as Orthodox Brothers and Sisters would have issues with those Protestant understandings.

        • In that manner, I think the statement, although generalized, can be supportable because if the Catholic faith is held to be the true faith, where there is agreement, it would be inherently Catholic. To assert that the statement not support is a non sequitur of the original assertions, it simply doesn’t follow if you’ve established or hold to the position that the Catholic church is the keeper of the deposit of faith.

        • Francis Philip

          I understand the sentiment, being a witness to it, but understanding the origin of the title, one would know what it meant to be a Protestant when the word was actually coined. Latin etymology does not tell the history. Also, we cannot judge today all Protestants absolutely. Most probably don’t even know their Creed nor why they carry the title. Many are ignorant as I was ignorant, and they need guidance, light and encouragement instead of judgement.

          • I think hard because God gave me the ability to reason and I tend to use it.

            I disagree that etymology doesn’t convey historical understanding. Words mean things and their origins do matter.

            I agree with your understanding of Protestants today are not the same and the CCC of the Catholic Church acknowledges this paragraph 818 and that they share in their baptism in the body of Christ.

            • Francis Philip

              Regarding Latin etymology, I was writing specifically about the history of the development of the label “Protestant” in the 14th to 16th centuries,

          • I also agree that they do not need such condemnation as my original comments here on this post. The language is harsh and I’m surprised two years later how cold it was on the matter. There’s a paradox in correction that to the degree that we should offer mercy to all not that there is no correction or judgment in mercy, because mercy is only needed when there is need of such things.

            • Francis Philip

              Yes, mercy follows judgment. So, what is right is always right, and wrong is always wrong, but punishment for an offense should be metered out according to all mitigating circumstances which might apply, e.g., ignorance due to the fault of other responsible persons whose solemn duty it was to educate the guilty party.

            • I don’t think I disagree on the basic understanding.

  4. Francis, once again I thank you so much for this guidance! The analogy you used was so self-explaining. I do not know what I would do without you, when I get stumped! 🙂

    I am also using daily what you told me to do when I asked you for prayer. Thinking about God and why I love Him. This has been life changing for me as when the “negativity” hits my life, that is where my heart goes. God Bless, Dear Friend, SR

  5. Francis,

    I have to have your help. I do not understand why this happened to me this morning. I wrote a post on it.

    I am asking you for help Francis, because at times you see things. Francis, I cannot describe those wounds that I saw in this. They were so deep. All the Blood. I cannot get it out of my sight or off of my mind. It is not that I want to. It is just breaking my heart. Please shed some light on this for me if you can? Thank you. God Bless, SR

    • Dear SR, I see it as an answer to your desire to love the Lord more fully. It is a gift that you were given to see and understand a mother’s love for her son and your/her Lord. At Mass last Sunday, I also had a brief “seeing” of the Lord in a very vulnerable, even frightened state of mind. He was standing at the front of the sanctuary uncovered, crying and afraid. It was unnerving, but I felt true compassion for him and wanted to embrace and reassure him of my love and protection for him. But it was that “seeing” which drew the true intention from my heart and showed me a way to bond my friendship with him in truth. And so, you and I both know better now that we have the capacity to love the Lord more fully, and that he desires our love more fully, in a special way. You must understand that the Lord is showing you his vulnerability, and he would not do that with someone he did not trust and love. When I pray the Sorrowful mysteries, I imagine that I am bandaging and healing his wounds with holy water. I think that it the absence of hatred and disobedience which is soothing to him. But when we confess and try hard to be faithful to him, i believe it is pleasing for him. It’s hard to explain. You know, if no one sinned, I wonder if we would no longer need his Precious Body and Blood. And so, I think, “If I don’t sin, the Body will heal because eternal life takes over when deadly sin stops the wounding.” I can not know that for sure, though.

  6. Sorry it is Just not really thinking clear right now. If you cannot get to it you can go on the Catholic site and find it. Again sorry and God Bless, SR

  7. Thank you so much Dear Friend! At times like these you are always the first person who hits my mind, when I need something to make sense to me.

    As I was reading your comment, it occurred to me that during the Rosary one of my intentions was, “Mother inflame my heart to love your Son, more and more.”

    I think the answer to this prayer came true today, and you are right as to what it all meant.

    Really Francis, it came out of nowhere!

    I cannot turn my thoughts (heart) away from those wounds. Francis, they were the most awful things I have ever seen. Another thing I cannot turn my thoughts from was the Blessed Mother saying, “My Son.” “My Son.”

    Francis, she said them in the most whispered, loving, painful way. The sound of her voice in that I cannot explain.

    I love what you said regarding the “compassion for Christ” in what you saw. As that is what I had Frances, but really did not think of it that way.

    I think maybe that is what He was trying to bring me to. I mean, I love Jesus Francis. I do not think I really ever felt “true compassion” for what He went through on the Day of the Cross. Boy, do I ever have it now!

    “Desiring our love in a special way.” Francis, do you think maybe He is wanting us to comfort His wounds? Not only the wounds on the Cross but those we give to Him daily? Do you think that is why He is letting us see Him, in such a “vulnerable state?”

    I love the statement you made regarding the “Holy Water” during the Sorrowful Mysteries.

    “Oh Lord, get me out of me so You can do with me what you will.”

    You know as this goes on with me I will probably be back. Francis, I thank God for you so much in my life, and always have. Your wisdom I depend on so much in times like these. Times like these actually kind of scare me. For the first time today, I am not scared. God Bless, SR

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